Three large arched steel armatures are held in tension by loops of rope. These arcs sit in front of a projected video of four pairs of performers leaning inside of these rope loops.
A large geometric rope net with foam tubes hangs limp in front of a projection of 6 performers playing with this leaning apparatus under tension.
Lean Installation, steel, rope, foam, video. 2020

Two black forms with several holes stand affixed to white walls in a cement-floored room. A clear bowl of water for ringing the holes sits on the floor in front of the forms.
Echo and Resonance Pedagogical Prop. Wood, singing glasses, trashbags, paint, cardboard, duct tape, hardware. 2019

Two white participants reach towards a curved plane of clear plastic. One participant traces the other participant’s movement using oil markers.
A lesson plan is printed on a scroll size blue sheet of paper. The plan is overlaid with diagrams atop clear plastic.
A blue and green lit corner of a room holds the debris of a workshop hanging on the wall and across the ceiling. The materials cast shadows of drawn lines across the space.
Moving in Nonlinear Times, 2 hour facilitation, texts, plastic sheeting, ink, markers, charcoal, paper. 2018

A group of adults are sitting in a bright grassy field circling a white performer who is gesturing with their hands.
Close up of a wall of drawings on a grid of clipboards. The drawings have rounded radiating forms and small text.
A white performer gestures towards the open diagram on their clipboard to a group of participants in a sunny pasture.
a wall of charcoal response drawings is hung in a grid of clipboards.
Proposing a Possible Subject: Participatory Lecture. Storm King Sculpture Center. 50 minute facilitation. open drawings, clipboards, pencils, charcoal, cue cards. 2018