Take it duration: 13 minute performance, Performance Space, NYC. 2024

Video Description: Four light blue surgical drapes on rolling armatures are set in the center of a dark room surrounded by audience members along all for walls. A white transgender performer enters wearing 15 paper patient gowns that they slowly strip out of strutting with their cane and reciting their patient history. The surgical drapes are pulled into a cube and the performer removes the last patient gown and dances to pop music obfuscated by the surgical drapes. The performance ends with the music cutting and the cold fluorescent lights coming on as the performer exhaustedly books their next doctor's appointment wearing a white fishnet bodysuit.

Level duration 15 minute full performance, 3 day rest period. 2024.
Featured in New Suns Issue 10

Video Description: A white non-binary trans cane-user dances on a blue gym mat on a light wooden floor. They’re black cane lays parallel to one side of the mat and the other side presses against a mirrored wall. The disabled dancer is costumed in a long sleeve tight black shirt adorned with nearly 500 bubble levels. The video documents them dancing horizontally across the mat to headphoned music that is not audible to the audience. Throughout the 15 minutes the camera shows an overall view of the mat dance space while repeatedly cutting in for close-ups of the levels’ bubbles shifting with the performers movement.

Breath Play duration: 3 minute excerpt, 3 hr performance, 4 day post rest period. 2021

Video description: Close up video of a white cane-using performer costumed in transparent latex t-shirt and shorts moving through a room filled with transparent balloons. The balloons pop and squeak against the performer’s movement.

Follow My Tracks, 3 min excerpt of a 12 min performance, 3 day rest period. 2020

Video description: a white performer dressed in white mesh club clothing dances across a cornstarched floor with their cane. They dance to a compiled track of hospital hold lines, Johanna Hedva’s Sick Woman Theory lecture, and a disco pop ballad.

Take it, 12 minute performance, 2 day rest period. 2020

Video description: four surgical drapes are set into a cube in the center of a room. I perform wearing 15 paper patient gowns that I slowly strip out of as I strut with my cane and recite my patient history. The performance ends with a peep show dance obfuscated by the surgical drapes. The performance ends with the music cutting and the cold fluorescent lights coming on as I book my next doctors appointment.